Friday, August 15, 2008

Asta m-a facut studenta

Lumea ma tot cearta de cateva zile ca nu mai scriu nimica pe blog. Am stat si m am gandit si le am zis ca nu s a intamplat nimic socant. Aici totul e peaceful e liniste si cred ca mi s- a dus a frown wrinkle de la sine :))
Unii chiar mi-au zis ca de ce m-am dus in America si nu am ramas in Bucuresti. motivele sunt multe, dar asta e unul din lucrurile principale care m-a adus aici: Application Essay for Iona College

I’ve ignored it, got mad at it, laughed at it and of it but finally I accepted the fact that I had to sit down and write THE essay.
It was clear to me that applying to a University in the States included an essay. The hundred American movies I had seen gave me an insight to American college life, and I had no problem, until the majority of my colleagues which applied to universities in foreign countries started to panic and spread a rumour of how the ‘malefic’ essay had to be a reflection of who you are and of course should resemble a ‘fairytale’ when presenting your personal skills. I started to think about it , and it wasn’t the idea of the essay that made me shiver , but the idea that I was too calm and detached in comparison with the daily environment at school, I felt like Switzerland dragged into a modern World War III and forced to make a decision or else…
I’ve been raised in a country where the shadow of communism still persists like a cheap perfume or better yet like a room that hasn’t been freshened after someone smoked in it…therefore making a change from growing up in a world filled with restricted and fearful thinking, where the innovative and creative have appeared, but are delaying their development, and moving to another country was not easy. But this did not frighten me.
Mostly because in my country, essays have not given hard time to anyone, as a consequence of communist and post communist essays being shape-oriented. And by shape-oriented I mean the IMBC (introduction, main body and conclusion), which although common in all world wide schools, have a specific feature in Romania. All the teachers have taught us children how to think in the “shape” way.
‘An essay should have a short and brief introduction’, they would tell us, like “autumn has come and the leaves on the ground unite themselves in making an universal carpet” something very poetic, much like something William Wordsworth would have said. Then you had the main body where you had to describe the depressing or happy, depending on the theme, actions, and in the end a conclusion meant to make the readers think about the future.
It was as a recipe. I even remember having a special notebook where I used to write certain metaphors to use them in my school compositions: “the trees have all put on their white jackets”- suggesting that snow had come or “the nature has resurrected once again after a vicious winter” which was meant to imply spring’s arrival, and so on. It was crystal clear for all the students in Romanian schools what they had to do until…the creativeness started to show its head, leading to a wonderful transition, which still hasn’t got to its peak but is developing superbly.
However, this transition led to problems for many and I had to make others see that the essay thing was not such a big deal even for a teenager, much like us. Teenagers born in a revolutionary year-1989,a generation meant to make the difference.
I started wondering what would I have done if I had to make a commercial, or a poster on how would I persuade teenagers to give their best in an essay, because as brave as I might think I am the idea of a blank page sometimes makes me want to be a ostrich and burry my head under my desk. I started thinking about the feelings people might pass through when being faced with a writing task and decided that nothing can be more comforting than a sheet of paper which could talk and convince you that it’s all going to be ok.
Most of us are ashamed of showing our writings to other people, the fear of mockery almost always wins and many great writings remain hidden in someone’s closet for ever. But a sheet of paper that would comfort you through the process of writing and encourage you might be the key to success. And in the end the sheet would congratulate the writer and hug him. Brilliant or maybe not…
It is no earth-breaking news to any of us that the human being is hard to satisfy and very unsure about its own strengths. People would then wonder if the hug was a good one or just a consolation one, given while the sheet would think to itself “You poor fool, you just wasted half of a branch, which was used to make the paper you filled with your so-called essay“.
See, no matter how you take it writing something about oneself it’s not as easy as it may seem, we could write stories or a literary comments but writing something that reveals who you truly are is difficult for everybody even more for teenagers considering the fact that most teenagers have no idea, yet, of who they are.

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